




東南アジアに来る前は、その日あったこととか書いて 旅行記みたいなん作ろう!っておもてたけど まぁ、せぇへんよね(笑)


Bangkok→Chumphone→Koh Tao→Koh Phangan→Surat Thani→Bangkok→Norng Khai→Vientiane






怖いというか、お金に対してやっぱり 姿勢が違うというか。


自分が やりたいことをさせてもらえる家庭で育ったから お金持ち感覚なのも否めないけども、それでもあの人たちは 今まで見てきた人より お金に対して貪欲だった(良いとか悪いとかそういう話ではない)


お金盗られたり損してるのは自分自身やのに、『おー』って感心してた。 自分にはできないなと。キャバレーに関してはもう引ったくりレベルよ笑

あと貧富の差とそれに対する考えも少し。観光地から離れた町や村はずれのとこにいくと ガラッと生活環境が変わってる。 スラムも形成されてて、電車で乗り合わせたおばあちゃんが、スラムを指差して『dirty dirty!!』って言ってきたのも衝撃的だった。
英語が達者じゃないから、うまく表現できなくて そう言ったのか、差別的な意味合いを含んでいたのかはわからないけど、あの人はどういうつもりで言ったのか。

質問してみたけど、『slam. dirty』しか言ってこなかったから 真意はわからない。



子ども2〜3人も連れて 身なりも良くなく 自身の生活も苦しい中でそんなことしてくれるもんやから、感謝せずにはいられない。

一丁前にチップ渡してみたら、ニコニコニコニコしてて 『あぁ。やっぱお金使うんならこういう使い方やんな。』と再確認。






On bus in Laos now.
I went across the border that from Thailand to Laos via friendship-bridge yesterday. It was a first time for me to go another country without airplane, so I was excited and a little nervous and expected that's such a impressive one. But honestly it was nothing special haha.
I was going to write and post my travel-story on the Facebook and my blog before came to South-east Asia, but ... yah you know I'm lazy lol.
These are where I've already traveled, anyway.
Bangkok→Chumphone→Koh Tao→Koh Phangan→Surat Thani→Bangkok→Norng Khai→Vientiane】
I'm not like a backpacker because using hostel and guest house and also convinience store, just a person travelling around Asia with really big backpack haha.
I travelled without any consideration, so actually I have no idea to be essay.
I'll write just my feedback of Thailand.
Thailand is called "hospitable country" that's why, I really expected to meet anyone in Thailand, however there are not only kind people, are violent people, particularly against money.
They're (*not all Thai people, just some of them) seeking it and lied and cheat me.
Tourist information when applying some tour and bus/train/ferry tickets, bike taxi take me to wrong place and stole my wallet, fix fee of bike I slipped and scratched (*this duty is belonging to me, but so expensive), cabaret girls pressed me to pay money with rude way.
I felt kinda admire to them in spite of I was cheated. There is their life I didn't know.

And I felt a disparity of wealth and their mind against it.
Though I can't say clearly about this because I don't hardly know Thai economy.
I saw old woman in train, and she pointed slam with her finger, said "dirty, poor, dirty".
I don't understand her intention that if means like discrimination or she wanted to let me know "There is slam" with lacking of English skill and less expression.
Anyway I've been considering about this since I faced this situation.
I asked her if which one is her intention, but she just repeated "dirty" and "slam", so I gave up to get to know it.
There are more kind person than people I said before, however. Guys in food car and food area are always smile when I spoke to them, and gave me extra services.
Actually I'm richer than them, but they do it. Why don't I appreciate to them?
Thai journey was filled by my first experiences, there must be going to be great new experiences in Laos.